just managed to get back and check out 23 things after a week off. Relieved to see that i have done a number of the last few weeks things already. I have set up a twitter account in the past but not been brave enough to tweet, I even found a list of backup tweets that I could use for my subjects if I get stuck. I did start to follow a lot of relevant accounts for my subject, so am just going in and updating it now. I'm really keen on using web 2.0 tools but my main concern, I guess like when I started the blog is if I will have the time to keep all of these ways of
communicating up to date. I guess its not just that but I need to keep myself up to date on all my subjects first, before I can make others aware of them. But I guess I can do that by getting my
twitter account set up so
i'm following the right people and make the news come to me? And I don't have a phone that does all this stuff either.And before I didn't really even have time to figure out how has tags worked properly, but I'm getting it. I've just read Emily blog and am feeling a bit inspired that she went through a similar experience with Twitter in that her first tweets were sporadic and a little ad
verena's just said the same thing, so here goes I'm going to brave my first tweet!