so i've been tweeting only 3 so far, but seems to be going OK. If you want to follow me (thanks for the gentle nudge Rowena) i'm citylibraryarts. when i first set up twitter i created a list of possible subjects and tweets, and one on the list was to view the BBC annual reports online as we link to those through the library catalogue and heard on the news this morning that they were releasing the most recent one today. they haven't yet but i've tweeted it anyway as i'm off to the arlis conference later today and won't be able to tweet while i'm there (no smartphone) which is a shame, cos arlis attendees can tweet using the #arlis2011 hash tag. so just tweeted that. i've also been creating lists for each of the depts I support and putting those i'm following into useful categories for my subjects to find. haven't quite figured out how lists work, but i'm hash tagging each tweet for each dept that its relevant to so filing the tweets of releavnce that way too. so foudn that twitter is a good way to spread the word about current resources of relevance to my students, how to tag subject specific tweets (translation are interested in very different things to music) and getting in some practice before the start of the year when i'll promote it to students. all i need now are a few more followers.....
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